Thursday, February 03, 2005

A link to my real site - regularly updated:

Taipei Traveller

Carole at 7:07 PM
Saturday, January 08, 2005 Best Friends:
Heidi, Susan, and Whitney
Claire and Jamie
Kathy, Michelle and Jill
Carolyn and Jillian

Top 3 Favorite Days:
January 27 ~ London 'Adventure' ~ Emergent Convention ~ Wintery Homecoming
February 6 ~ Venice, island of Murano, cappacinos, masked people, dinner!
March 26 ~ performance of Shakespeare ~ ending party

3 Epiphanies:

March 10 - There is a perfect someone for me - only not now.
May 29 - I can go to Taiwan to teach English for a year - why didn't I think of that before?
August 7 - I'm really glad I'm not getting married and I didn't date in college!

Carole at 1:39 AM Resolutions for 2005:

1. Exercise on a regular basis, like you were before
2. Make reading a priority over television
3. Set limits for time spent online
4. Spend less money on food - keep better track of your budget
5. Take risks and value adventure over comfort
6. Spend money on good books, times with friends, and travel, don't spend money on one-time indulgences that won't be memorable (movies, bottles of wine, lunches out).
7. Learn Chinese.
8. Keep in touch with people. Email responses every week.

Carole at 1:37 AM Friday, January 07, 2005 Once again I am amazed at how my life goes from one thing to the next without me having the least clue. I was having so much trouble letting go of 2004 because so many wonderful things had happened, and I felt like all I had to look forward to was a year of teaching all by myself. But now, in the blink of an eye, the future is exciting again, and I feel much more comfortable about signing on for another year. And so now, I can finally say goodbye to such a wonderful year of 2004 and truly celebrate the hope that 2005 will hold.

Carole at 7:58 PM
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